6-1-2021 Shoot with EP and Edit the Van with Jaz & Alex
5-31-2021 Kendra Costumes for the Rendezvous and DFF meeting
5-26-2021 Editing and hike with a wonderful Makeup Artist
5-24-2021 Meeting with editor Sarah & Van Sound levels
5-20&21-2021 Doonz Edit Session + Life stuff
5-19-2021 Relight Shoot
5-18-2021 Music for The Van
5-17-2021 Monday Van Sound leveling
5-15&16-2021 Art Adventures and Interview with Ed Hager
5-15&16-2021 Filming the TSJC Play
5-14-2021 Wardrobe options for directors & heading to Trinidad
5-12-2021 Good News for Finding Love... and Astro Photos with Andrew
5-12-2021 Horror Bar Pre Production Promo
5-11-2021 DJ Jaz MUSIC FOR THE VAN
5-10-2021 Van Audio
5-7-2021 PostModern Company and fun
5-5-2021 Rewrites
5-4-2021 I was a guest for Alex's Livestream Show
5-3-2021 DFF meeting and Van Sound editing
5-2-2021 Cartopia